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Msft Stock

Latest Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) Stock News and Information

Real-Time Stock Quotes and Charts

Google Finance

Get the most up-to-date Microsoft stock quote, including real-time prices, historical performance charts, and financial data.


Access detailed stock quotes, historical data, and real-time updates for Microsoft Corporation.

Company News and Insights

CNN Business

Stay informed with the latest news, company announcements, and market analysis related to Microsoft Corporation.


Find in-depth articles, expert commentary, and technical analysis on Microsoft's stock performance.

Financial Information

Wall Street Journal

Access comprehensive financial information, including actual and estimated earnings per share, financial ratios, and key ratios.

Yahoo! Finance

View balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements for a complete financial overview of Microsoft Corporation.

Stock Performance Summary

As of today, Microsoft stock's 52-week high was 430.82, and the current price is 98.18 below the high.
