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Definition And Usage

The Meaning of POUT

Definition and Usage

The verb "pout" means to show displeasure or annoyance by thrusting out the lips or wearing a sullen expression. It can be used in the present tense (pout), past tense (pouted), or present participle (pouting).


Here are some examples of how the word "pout" can be used in a sentence:

  • "The child pouted when she didn't get her way."
  • "He sat there pouting, refusing to speak to me."
  • "I can't stand it when she pouts like that."


Pouting is a common way to express displeasure or annoyance. It can be a childish or immature gesture, but it can also be a way to communicate feelings that are difficult to express in words. Whether you're a child or an adult, pouting can be a way to let others know that you're not happy with something.
