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Pulitzer Prize Finalist Annie Jacobsens Nuclear War A Scenario

Pulitzer Prize Finalist Annie Jacobsens Nuclear War: A Scenario

The Threat of a Nuclear First Strike

Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen's latest book, Nuclear War: A Scenario, explores the terrifyingly plausible scenario of a nuclear first strike. Based on dozens of exclusive interviews, Jacobsen paints a chilling picture of how a nuclear war could play out, and the devastating consequences it would have for the world.

The Ticking-Clock Scenario

Jacobsen's scenario begins with a hypothetical first strike by Russia against the United States. Within hours, the world would be plunged into a nuclear winter, with billions of people killed instantly. The survivors would face a harrowing battle for survival in a world turned upside down.

Jacobsen's book is a gripping and thought-provoking exploration of the very real threat of nuclear war. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the dangers we face in the 21st century.
